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Reflexology oniline correspondence course

Reflexology is a holistic healing method which involves pressure and Reflexology massage of the Reflex Points found on the Human Body. These Reflex Points found on the soles of the Feet, or Palms of the Hands, acts as small "mirrors" reflecting the particular Body organ. Reflexology postulate that a "Vital Energy" circulate between the Organs of the all Body and permeating every living cell and Tissue. If this Energy becomes blocked, this block is reflected on the Hands, Body, Head and Feet in one or more of the zones located there. By using specific Pressure Techniques, these blocks can be detected through the experience of Pain, or through the presence of crystal deposits. These occur in the part of the Foot, Hand that relates to the part of the Body that is imbalanced.

The pressure and massage Techniques taught in Reflexology are designed to dissipate energy Blocks, and break down crystalline structure. Through stimulation of the circulatory and lymphatic Systems and by encouraging the release of Toxins, Reflexology promotes the Body to heal itself. Thus, Reflexology is an extremely effective harmless Therapy in cases of Stress, tension and tiredness. And, like Acupuncture, it can also be used as a preventive measure against ill Health.

1. The History of Reflexology. What is Reflexology?

2. The Mechanisms of Stress, Reflexology and Relaxation

3. Understanding of "Vital Force" and how Reflexology revitalizes Energy. Zone Therapy

4. Reflexology, Autonomic and Endocrine Systems

5. The different Reflexology Techniques: thumb walking, finger walking, grip technique, multiple finger Grip, Pinch Grip, Rotating on a Point, Buffing

6. The Method of Foot Analysis:

Human Energy patterns and imbalance

Zones of the Food

Examination of the Feet by Touch: temperature, flexibility, palpation, Deviding the Feet

Mapping the Reflexes on the Feet: the Head, Neck, Thoracic, Abdominal, Pelvic, Reproductive, Spine areas, etc.

Treatment Technique

Referral and Guidance

7. Common indications of Health Ailments. Life-threating states - the way they look on the Feet

8.Energy Patterns: sexual Flow pattern, Spinal Column Flow Pattern, Flow to arms and Legs

9. The Toes analysis and basic Points

10. The Reprints of Emotional disturbances on the Feet:

Fear, terror, anxiety

Violence, Frustration, irritability

Anger, Guilt, Jealousy

11. Chakral Feet Reflexology

12. Applied Hand and Head Reflexology

13. Mapping the reflexes on the Hands and Head

14. Hands and Head Reflexology Technique for different Ailments

Supportive Study Material:
"Medical Applications of Reflexology", book by Kevin and Barbara Kunz
"Full Body reflexology", book by Barbara Dodd
"Foot Reflexology ", Video
"Hand Reflexology Workbook", book by K & B Kunz
Updated information regarding international and local events on Reflexology.